Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Anything Technology

Today I just want to voice how great I think this class has been. I have learned so much this semester--and it is very practical, applicable knowledge for the classroom.

The technology I want to write about is the Web 2.0 technology that we've covered this semester. Many of our students (especially in the older grades) are so familiar with this type of communication and learning. Since so many are using it, it's a pretty logical step in the classroom to engage them. AND--if we have questions--I bet some of our students can help us out! My 6th grade son has helped me with a few things this semester :)


  1. I totally agree! Even my 2nd graders have taught me a thing or two about technology. I have been so excited to keep learning things that I can implement right now in my classroom!

  2. Hi! Have you played with the Flickr task yet? I am always so worried about copyright. What is your understanding of how we can use those images? One place it sounded like we could use them, another it sounded like you had to contact the photographer. What do you think?

  3. I signed up to Flickr through my Yahoo account and downloaded some of my own photos. I was trying to figure out the whole Flickr blog thing. I'm still not sure what that is. As for other images, I was with you Pam I wasn't sure about the copyright and was a little scared to dive into them.
