Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Well this is much easier than I thought it would be! I actually have been wanting to try a blog just to see how it worked. I'm curious about using something like this for the classroom. My concerns are with security for the students. Do any of you have a classroom blog?


  1. Last week I started a blog for my parents, but not the students. It is a easy way for us to keep in contact and a way for me to share quick notes or information. I had never used a blog before that and now I love them!

  2. I like how you set up the blog for your parents. I'm hoping to do the same once I figure all of this out. Do you have much of a following, yet?

  3. I have wondered about security as well. I wonder if it is the same as FaceBook and MySpace. I don't have a classroom blog. I wouldn't have thought I would want one but now you never know. :)

  4. This is easier then I thought. I don't think this is as secure as facebook, because can't anyone get on your blog???? I am not sure if this would be a good idea for school, but then again I know very little about blogging!Does anyone know??

  5. I like your idea, Samantha (the blog for the parents). I think this would be secure. As for security for the kids to have a blog, I also worry about that. Is there a setting that you can set so only your friends can view your blog? I think that Facebook would be more secure because if you set the settings right, you can pick who sees what.

  6. I have a PBWorks site for my classroom and on it I post spelling words, classroom news, podcasts, links to learning sites and more. I also include a link to the classroom blog set up for parents to use.
